The most productive way of relating to an artwork should be what it suggests: what we see or what it tells us to see. Thus we understand what is that we do not see or is not possible to see and understand what conspiracy the work has devised against us. Regarding this statue by Khandan Ghaderi, we can directly explain what we see as follows: a stylized cage with a bird-like padlock on top of it. In side the cage there are two bowls. One smaller the other bigger. The two bowls are under the bird and all are installed on a sewing table, a table for cutting and sewing together. The padlock which is a bird sitting on a cage is like a handle for transporting all that ‘stuff’, all the ‘statue’ to somewhere else. The cage is not a cage, the padlock/bird is outside the cage, the bowls are waiting for the eggs to fall. The cutting and sewing table and the possibility of transportation, spoils the experiencing of being with this statue and have pity over the who issue.